Click on the map to the page by region.
Click on the map to the page by region.
If you see the chronological index, please click here to travelogues before 1999, click here to between 2000 and 2009, click here to between 2010 and 2014, click here to after 2015.
Animated world flags in my travelogues are provided by Animation Factory and Free Gifs & Animations.

informationWon't you exchange greetings with the locals in their own language when you travel abroad?
If you think so, you should visit here.
And I hope you will also study Japanese language and visit to Japan.

Would you like to take a trip abroad next your vacation?
If yes, what countries would you visit and what things would you do?
Go sightseeing in historical places?
Go shopping to any boutique or bazaar?
Or else play any sports while your trip?
Have a relaxing time in the beach, especially for a feast for the eyes?
Take your chance of betting on the casino games?
First of all, I suggest you make a collection of tourist information before departure.
Accordingly, how about going overseas by virtual trip?
My home page has an useful information that you might want to know.
And then many sites can also be accessed from here.

By the way, "into" means to like and be interested in something.
How would you like to be into travel?

Please forgive me if there are any mistakes in the translation.
If you are good at Japanese, I would be glad that you check my documents and point the finger at my Japanese page
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